Monday, June 17, 2013

I just located this in my email.  It was written by and read by my daughter at my Mom's memorial service.  Before my daughter read this my grand daughter read the poem "The Dash".

It's almost impossible to sum up the dash of Grannys life with in a few words or even to choose the right ones. Small but mighty would be the best way to describe her demeaner although she was also so much more then that. Ruthellen Crawford was a force to be reckoned with when her mind was set on a task. Our poor grandpa found himself sitting with a lap full of his dinner when trying to reason with her one occaison that I can think of...the situation at hand is long forgotten but not her firce way of telling him to stop his actions. She was a passionate woman about a wide varity of subjects from nature to history to her family to her love of all things natural. Granny was the first peerson I can remember discussing recycling & truly wanting to change the world, along with anyone would listen to her out look on all things she found injustice in. She was one to follow the rules & often times forcefully demand the same in other. sometimes that would require a fork to the elbow if you didn't listen the first 3 times you were told to remove them from the table or by going to the media if her thought that was the course of action to take. When she felt the rules so to say,weren't correct, she would loudly fight against them & anyone that stood in her way. When things were out of her reach,which they often were since she only stood 5 foot 1(and I'll thrown her 1/2 foot that she always claimed was there) She would find a way to move that mountain that stood between her & her desired outcome! When it came to parenting, she wasn't beyond tying a child to a tree, name with being with held of course, or letting the one sleep in the cowboy boots when the fight just wasn't in her to correct his behavior. (which I will add he still wears today) Ruthellen was the type of mother who made clown halloween customs for all 4 children by hand which also doubled as pj's for the cold winter months when things were tight on the budget, all the while wearing a smile on her pretty face that covered the hardships with in the home. Image was important to her & those that didn't follow would knew of her displeasure but always in a motherly/teachers way. She regarded her daughters as her best friends & helpers through the tougher of times in life, teaching each woman in the family a strenght & courage that only a loving mother can, even up til the end. As a grandmother, we couldn't have asked of more...from the circus to outings at Mayberry & the thanksgiving parade that her & grandpa always made a priority. Her life truly revolved around her passions of the family, mother earth & teaching the world to be a better place. I will personally miss her advice, her smile & that laughter of hers that would carry through out Crawfords Restuarant on a daily basis. Our Beloved Granny truly knew that Life & all it's beauty was worth living to the fullest, for this I am truly grateful to her! Happy Trails my beloved granny...til we can met again

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